solutions for business

About Us

Atlas Control was originally established as a general service company, but with time, becoming an organization able to perform high quality services of trading in industrial, naval, civil fields

Thanks to the quality of services offered, our company has won the approval of leading naval, industrial and civil groups, thus extending its business to other work fields

White Goods

  • We are thrilled to provide comprehensive trading and reselling services for white goods, specializing in refrigerators and their spare parts
  • Our extensive network of suppliers allows us to offer a wide selection of white goods, including refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and more

Industrial Spare Parts

  • We are proud to provide comprehensive trading services for industrial spare parts
  • Our extensive inventory includes a wide range of high-quality spare parts for various industries, including manufacturing, construction, and automotive

Agricultural Products

  • We are dedicated to providing top-quality trading services for agricultural products
  • With our extensive network of trusted suppliers and buyers, we ensure seamless transactions and timely delivery of a wide range of agricultural commodities

Precious Metals

  • We are also specialized in the trading of precious metals worldwide, including but not limited to copper, zinc, chrome, aluminum, iron and gold
  • With our extensive network and expertise in the industry, we offer a secure and transparent platform for individuals and businesses to buy and sell precious metals

Escrow Services

  • We provide reliable and secure escrow services to ensure smooth and transparent transactions
  • We are one of the most well-known escrow services providers in Turkey having experience of more than 100 transactions

Health Products

  • Over the past 10 (ten) years, we have been supplying health products to all over the world with great success
  • Thanks to our agreements with the global medicine companies around the world, we are able to supply renowned health products including but not limited to liquid/capsule/tablet medicines, topical medicines, suppositories, drops, inhalers, injections, implants or patches